Sunday, August 24, 2014

I Write

I want to write today.

I want to write today, but I don't know what to write.

I want to add another episode to my short story that seems to be gaining some momentum. But I can't seem to get into my characters' heads today. I can't decide how the main character should spill some important news to her best friend. I can't decide how she should tell her or how her friend should react, or what either of them will do or say.

I want to write a piece about my son's wonderful experiences through scouting, but with my disappointment about their policy in regards to gay leaders. I want to put aside the stance on that issue and focus on writing about the beautiful photos I took out at the camp last weekend, and how the scout and scout leaders' experiences there over the years makes it as peaceful and at-home as their own backyards. But I don't know how to separate one from the other, and reconcile the duality one feels when they believe so much in an overall organization but question their stance on a specific issue.

I want to write an article for a professional publication, and start building my academic writing resume so I can pursue the next phase of my career in higher education. But I can't decide what the subject of that article should be.

I want to write about my husband on a journey this weekend- twenty plus hour road trip with a friend he hasn't seen in over twenty years. They drove from Florida to Pennsylvania to attend a funeral and memorial for one of their high school buddies who was killed in a motor cycle accident last week. It's a fascinating situation to me- tragic circumstance leads to reconnecting old friends. But I'm still waiting for details beyond the roadside phone calls during the trip.

I want to write today. A poem, a story, an article, an excerpt.

But today, I settle for a blog post.

I wrote today.