Monday, September 7, 2015


Do you ever feel like you're disconnected? 
Like your body is separate from your experiences?
Going through the motions,
Working to make things happen,
Interacting with people,
Going places,

But you're not really there.
The shell of you gives the appearance you're present.
Your canned responses,
Your predictable reactions,
They're all in action protecting you.

What's really inside is disconnected.
Your mind is elsewhere,
Your soul, your spirit, 
Longing to be somewhere else, doing something else.
Trying to care about what's going on in front of you,
But not.

They think they understand,
They try to help,
But they don't
So they can't.

It's up to you to come down from the clouds
Or out from under the rock
To find the oxygen line from the depths of the ocean
The hand reached out in front of you 
Pulling you back
To engage,
To reconnect
To live in the moment.