I never fancied myself a dog person. I had nothing against them, I just wasn't impressed. My parents had a dog when I was little, an oversized Yorkie whose legs were long enough that his hair didn't even sweep the floor. He was cute enough, but I remember little about him. His name was Ralphie, and my mom and dad hated when the vet or groomer put the traditional Yorkie bow in his hair to keep it out of his eyes. He was a boy for goodness sake, and boys do not wear bows. Other than that, my memories of him are unfortunate and few and far between. Dad trying to give him a bath while he shivered liked a hairless Chihuahua, and the end of days when he was constantly messing in the house and my parents were angry and stressed about it. That and the time my mom was devastated because by dad and grandpa took him to a vet on a family trip to visit my cousins in Massachusetts, because the decision had been made that at 17 years and poor health, it was time to say goodbye. That was when I was in elementary school. We never got another dog, and I was never one of those kids who begged for one. Again, I had nothing against them, but I could take them or leave them.
Eventually my parents split up and we moved to Florida, there was never a pet conversation. Two of my best pals in high school had dogs and so did my boyfriend. The experiences were mixed. It never occurred to me to ask for one of my own. My sister and I even got my mom a cat one year as a present- my horrific allergy to them didn't develop until a few years later. But, no dogs, no problem.
In the spring of 1995 when I graduated college, my husband and I got engaged and moved in together. It only took a few months before he was driving home from work and saw a box of puppies on the side of the road. Yup, just like a movie, some guy had a box of puppies and was trying to find homes for them. Pet them, say
how cute!, and then leave without one? Not a chance. My soon-to-be husband brought us home a 5 week old puppy. To a rental apartment. To house train. Yay.
Don't get me wrong, I liked the puppy. She was cute as only a puppy can be, and she was a mutt of lab and something with short legs, and maybe pitt. She was fun until she started tearing up the place. We paid quite a few penalties in pet deposits over the next couple of years. But she was my husband's dog. He was devastated when we had to give her away because she didn't take kindly to sharing her daddy with a newborn baby. Faced with a choice between Jacob or Dusty, Dusty had to go. It was unfortunate, but necessary. And truth? I never really missed her. I was too enmeshed in becoming a new mother.
Dusty did leave something behind though. Back before Jacob was born, we dog sat for a couple of months for a friend who was moving and was in between homes. We were all young, and we collectively made the stupid and irresponsible decision to allow our dogs, not spayed or neutered, to get together and have puppies. Fortunately, the puppies were so dang cute we had no trouble finding homes for all of them, and we kept one for ourselves. Our dog was blonde, and the dog she mated with was jet black. Together their puppies were all black and white splotched like cows, except one. The runt of the litter was cinnamon brown with Cleopatra black markings around her eyes. For that, we named her Cara (face in Spanish), and kept her with her mama. She adjusted a lot better to having a baby at home, so she stayed with us when Dusty had to go.
So Cara was our family dog. Jacob loved to chase her and lay around with her, and looking back, I'm grateful he grew up around a dog from an early age. He's never been afraid of dogs and he has a love of and a respect for animals. I've written on this blog before about how much we moved around in the early days of our marriage and Jacob's childhood, and Cara's future would be caught up in that chaos. We bought a house and about two years later, sold it. We decided to rent for awhile to see where jobs and things would take us next. To save money, we asked my dad, who happened to work from home, (one they owned) if he would take Cara for awhile so we didn't have to pay the enormous pet deposit required by our new leasing company. Dog lover at heart, he was happy to oblige. And that was the end of that. Dad and Cara got so attached to one another, she never moved back in with us. We got to see her every time we visited, and we all promised Jacob when we bought a house, we could get another dog.
Jacob and Lacey the year we adopted her. |
It was right around his 7th birthday when Paul and I decided we were ready to think about getting a dog. We were renting his parents' house from them, so no pet deposit required. There was a fenced in backyard, and boy was Jacob ever ready. We piled in the car and explained to Jacob that we were going to the Humane Society to visit with dogs and possibly adopt one, but there were no guarantees. The experience was one I will never forget. The procedure at this particular location was for visitors to walk up and down the aisles, identify dogs they were interested in, and then meet them one at a time in a visiting room. From there people could determine if they wanted to adopt the pet.
We walked gingerly up and down the aisles. I'm not sure if we all had different images in our minds of what we were looking for, or of it was all random. One thing was for certain. We did not want a "little yappy dog." We wanted a good size dog, kind of like Cara. We selected three and notified the
attendant. We were escorted to the visiting room. I remember it like it was yesterday. Rectangular, like the size of a large walk in closet with glass windows overlooking the main hallway. Across for the door where we entered, there were two chairs, where Paul and I sat down. Jacob stood between us. The first two dogs were brought in. One I don't remember at all, the other I remember as cute to look at but nothing notable in the way of personality.
Enter dog number three. This latte colored labbish kind of mutt with white cream spots on her paws and neck, sauntered in and walked around the three of us in a circle, sniffing and wagging her tail. She had perky ears, and when her tongue hung out of her mouth it appeared she was smiling. She completed the circle and stopped right at Jacob's feet and sat. And that was all she wrote. We talked with the attendant, learned the little bit of history they had on her, and Lacey went home with us that day. We kept the name she came with, she was 2-years-old and they explained to us the only way to change her name without confusing her was to make it something that sounded similar, like Casey or Lucy. We didn't give it another thought. She was clearly a Lacey.
I could share lots of stories about how great of a pet she is- how great she is around kids, how adoringly cautious yet friendly she is around strangers, and how she likes other dogs, unless they growl at her first. I can tell you she loves popcorn and will leap in the air to catch it, and like many dogs thinks ice cubes are treats. She's a licker too. And I don't just mean a little lick if she likes you. I mean she licks her bed at night before she gets in it, licks the sweat and drool off Paul's pillows, and she loves to lick feet (especially mine)! Don't judge her, it's a dog thing. She makes a wide-mouthed growling sound when she needs to go out, and Paul has convinced himself she's saying "out." We've taken her camping and on road trips, and even people who aren't dog people have told us how great of a dog she is. Like other dogs, she loves to cuddle and go for walks and I think her favorite is just laying out in the grass on a sunny day. She really is the greatest dog.
Lacey resting on my knee as we waited to be called for the ultrasound test. |
And it was just about one week ago, when it felt like the world stopped turning. Lacey wasn't her usually spritely self and was showing signs she was sick. After a visit to the vet with blood tests, urinalysis, and whatever else they do when they take your dog to the back, things were not looking good. She was beyond lethargic and she was not eating. We had to carry her outside to pee and upstairs to the bedroom with us at night. All signs were pointing to a problem with her kidneys, but nothing in the test results was helping the doctor nail down the cause so she sent us for an ultrasound. By this time Lacey was clearly in pain and we had a hard time fighting back tears every time we looked at her. The ultrasound showed she had blockage in one of her kidneys, a mass of sorts and it was stressing out her body. The vet prescribed medication to help fight infection and treat the pain, and we waited on a more detailed report.
She seemed to bounce back a little bit and we were hopeful the medication was taking effect. The radiology report would lead to an order for another test when they would draw fluid from her kidney to determine if the mass was cancerous. Once again that test laid her out and we started to wonder if it was the end for Lacey. There was a lot of crying and concern. She seemed so uncomfortable and so lifeless- so far from the giddy, goofy dog she'd always been. We started to prepare ourselves for the worst, still hoping we wouldn't have to say goodbye. Finally after a week, yesterday we found out it's not cancer. At least no sign of it at this point. The vet has ordered a lengthy dose of heavy antibiotics and Lacey is starting to seem a lot more like herself. We're not sure she's completely out of the woods, but for now she seems comfortable and that means we are more comfortable too.
Jacob laying with Lacey on her worst night. |
She's 12-years-old. Of course as pet owners you know the time will come eventually, we just weren't prepared for it to come so soon and so suddenly. Cara passed a couple of years ago, and it was tough. But we were distanced from it because she didn't live with us anymore. My dad was absolutely wrecked, and now I know why. Lacey has become a member of our family. A part of us. I never thought we'd lose her before Jacob left our home. I suppose no matter when it happens, we won't be prepared. But I wasn't prepared for how painful it would be for me. My heart hurt watching her suffer, watching Jacob lay over her in tears that she might be leaving us. I had difficulty leaving her to go to work, putting my head down to sleep. I kept wondering if that would be it. It felt as though the world was standing still. And now, at least for the time being, the world is back in motion. In another couple of months we'll take Lacey for a follow up ultrasound to see if her kidney cleared. If it does, she's in good shape. If it doesn't, we'll have some decisions to make.
For now, we try to resume our lives. Iguess I really am a dog person. I know I'm a Lacey person. I'll cherish every moment we have with her, and just hope when her time has come that she goes the way we all hope to, peacefully.
Lacey starting to look and act a little more like herself. |
Lacey checking on Paul during a road trip. |
This is one of the funniest pictures.. Jacob, Max, and I were all sitting in on a counter in an archway on the day we moved out of our house in Lehigh. Jacob was holding the phone up to take a selfie of all of us and he caught Lacey in mid-air jumping on all fours- another silly thing she does! |